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Staging Checklists

August 15, 2014 (posted by Jennifer Campbell, Home Staging Calgary)

Staging Bathrooms: Room by Room Staging Checklist
Staging bathrooms when you’re selling your property is a must-do on your list. They say that kitchens, bathrooms and master bedrooms sell. A bathroom is also one of the expensive renovations that a buyer would have to invest in. So help your bathrooms show their best by following my staging checklist.
This Staging Checklist provided by the Calgary Real Estate Board provides good basic guidelines to address the key areas of a property – inside and out. I also wrote a checklist for staging living rooms that you might find helpful.

See the difference professional home staging makes.

After: This bathroom feel like a spa.

As a Calgary home stager, I have seen what a difference proper bathroom staging can make. Here’s your checklist specifically for staging bathrooms:

  • Especially for a re-sale home, it goes without saying that cleanliness is everything! Aim for spotless. Remove dust from lights, scrub those tiles, and don’t forget to give the baseboards and walls a good wipe. Get every nook and cranny.
  • Check windows for any signs of mold. A toothbrush for this job works great.
  • Make it look as new as possible – Goo Gone is your friend to breathe new life into older drains and faucets.
  • If your bathroom is really dated, give it a quick facelift with paint, new lighting, new taps, and switching out gold tone towel bars and knobs with brushed stainless.
  • Consider the feeling you want to create – Spa anyone?
  • Go minimalist. Remove most of your items from vanity cupboards and shower. Buyers don’t need to see your razor, slimy bar of soap, and countless bottles of products. Same goes for all your kids’ bath toys.
  • Replace towels with fresh white ones that are used only for staging.
  • Add a small hint of colour and interest in something beautiful (artwork, coloured glass vase) or natural (flowers, greenery, soap, shells).
  • Open windows and use fans to air out the room. Steamy bathrooms help odour linger.
  • Speaking of odour, well, don’t create any before a showing if you know what I mean. Air fresheners are NOT the way to go.

Staging bathrooms is important. Keep your room by room staging checklist handy and these bathroom staging tips in mind when preparing your home for sale. For more professional home staging resources and tips, follow Set Your Stage on Twitter.

See the difference professional home staging makes.

After: This bathroom feel like a spa.

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