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Archive for the 'Sunnyside/Kensington' Category

Calgary Home Stager’s Latest Pick for Food in Hillhurst

January 07, 2016 (posted by Jennifer Campbell, Home Staging Calgary)

“People. Food. Tradition. Farmers. Small Business. You. Community. Belonging. Future.” That’s what the Dairy Lane Café believes matters. How can you not love that! So when I was heading out for food in Hillhurst Calgary, I had to check it out.

Dairy Lane located in Sunnyside, Calgary.

Dairy Lane located in Sunnyside, Calgary.

Located in my beloved Hillhurst/Sunnyside/Kensington zone of Calgary, the Dairy Lane Café is eco conscious, community oriented, and has a super cute retro theme. It’s a little place that feels like home and a local shop that I’m glad I chose to visit.

As a small business owner who is also choosing more eco-friendly options, I love supporting other businesses close to home. I’ve written before about topics such as my eco conscious Valentine’s Day, must-do July activities, and one of my favourite local pubs. Now I’m happy to add the Dairy Lane Café to my list.

Have you checked it out? Maybe I’ll see you there – enjoying something yummy out on the patio! You’ll have a hard time deciding what to choose. For the latest, follow Dairy Lane on Twitter (I’m there too by the way @setyourstage).

I’m a professional home stager who happily lives in a Sunnyside condo, a popular area outside the downtown core which includes Hillhurst and Kensington. I know first-hand why this area is so appealing.

If you are planning to sell your Calgary home or condo, contact me (Jen at Set Your Stage) to find out the benefits of my staging services and neighbourhood-specific expertise.

In the meantime, share this post and tell your friends about this great area of Calgary. Invite them to meet you at Dairy Lane on 19th and then take a stroll around this great neighbourhood!

Home Stager Encourages Donations to the Calgary Food Bank

December 08, 2015 (posted by Jennifer Campbell, Home Staging Calgary)

I know times are tough, especially around Christmas time. So when I saw a news piece recently about an increasing number of people turning to Alberta food banks for support, it was an important reminder. Since Safeway has an easy Food Bank Donation hamper, I’ll be making a donation to the Calgary Food Bank.


Food Donations in Calgary

Food Donations in Calgary

As a Calgary home stager, my job is to stage a property to appeal to the ideal lifestyle of potential buyers. Of course, the kitchen is one of the most important rooms to include in the staging process. That’s because it’s often the hub of the home – where our closest relationships are nurtured.


In the ideal lifestyle that potential buyers imagine, at no point would there be a lack of food to prepare and serve in that kitchen. So the connection to my work is not lost on me.

That’s why I’m making a donation to the Calgary Food Bank, with love, and I urge you to do the same (to whatever Alberta food bank is closest to you).

Did you know that last year, children made up 43% of the people who went to the Calgary Food Bank for help? And that was 6% higher than the national average?

Does this room look familiar?

Before: Kitchen before home staging.

See the difference home staging makes.

After: The pears and Perrier water help to showcase an active healthy lifestyle in this kitchen.

You and I can’t solve every problem. But we CAN drop off some food or volunteer our time.

Will you join me in reaching out to support the Calgary Food Bank? We can help keep the kitchen a nurturing space in every home.

Please share this post with your contacts in Alberta and do your part to fill up our local food bank shelves this summer. Let’s not wait until the holidays. They need our help now.

Jen Campbell is the owner of Set Your Stage, a professional home staging company based in Calgary, Alberta. She happily lives in a Sunnyside condo and shares some of the appealing features of this popular area in the “Why I love Sunnyside/Kensington” section of her blog.

Slide the City in Calgary Home Stager’s Favourite Neighbourhood

July 31, 2015 (posted by Jennifer Campbell, Home Staging Calgary)

You already know I love the Hillhurst, Sunnyside, and Kensington neighbourhoods of Calgary. You already know that I live and work here. And here’s the newest reason why I LOVE this place: Calgary is one of the Canadian cities where Slide the City will be offering a unique and fun 2-day event in August.

Slide the City Calgary 2015

Slide the City Calgary 2015

On August 1-2, a 1000ft slip and slide will pass right in front of my place next to Riley Park. Described as “the biggest water party of the summer”, this Slide the City event will include music, dancing, food, drinks and all round fun in the sun. What’s better? They’re partnering with the Canadian Cancer Society and Ronald McDonald House, adding to the feel-good factor of the event.

Plus, because environmental awareness is important to me, I appreciate the water conservation component of this event. “We are asking participants to pledge to reduce shower time, forego frequent car washes, update shower/faucet heads, fix leaking sinks, reduce watering of lawns and take other steps to decrease water usage.” Water will be re-circulated through the day to operate the slide and, after the event, water is recycled back into the community.

The Slide the City event is sold out, but that doesn’t mean you can’t come by and take a look.

While you’re in the area, check out some of my other favourites: The Beehive, The Vendome Café, Gastro Pub (previously known as F.A.T.S Bar and Grill), and the Dairy Lane Café.

And if you are a home owner living nearby who is going to be selling, find out how your Calgary property can benefit from professional staging and discuss the results Set Your Stage clients have achieved. Schedule your personalized Home Staging Assessment by contacting Jen at Set Your Stage today.

In the meantime, enjoy Slide the City and share the love for Hillhurst, Sunnyside & Kensington Calgary!

Riley Park Offers Plenty of Family Fun in Hillhurst Calgary

May 01, 2015 (posted by Jennifer Campbell, Home Staging Calgary)
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know how much I love the Hillhurst, Sunnyside and Kensington neighbourhoods of Calgary. It’s where I live and work. For families considering moving to the area, you’ve got to check out Riley Park. Summer is on its way and this park is a great place to spend time outside.
Housing in the Hillhurst & Sunnyside area is popular. In fact, I recently staged two properties there, just four blocks from where I live (here’s the Hillhurst property before & afters and the Sunnyside property before & afters if you want to take a peek). How good does life get?
Does this room look familiar?

Before: Living room before home staging.

See the difference home staging makes.

After: This open concept space is perfect for entertaining or relaxing.

It’s an ideal location for many reasons: schools, transportation, walkability, markets, green space and recreation. Riley Park is a great spot for families. It’s got a kiddie pool, playground, cricket fields, and beautiful landscaping. Locals love the free summer concerts in the park. And it’s a popular venue for wedding photos too.

Does this room look familiar?

Before: Living room before home staging.

See the difference professional home staging makes.

After: This cozy open concept living & dining room is the perfect space for entertaining or relaxing.

So shed that winter gear and get outside for some family fun in the sun. Spend some time at Riley Park (more pics at Calgary Playground Review) and the rest of the Hillhurst Sunnyside and Kensington areas of Calgary. I’m sure you’ll love it as much as I do!
Want local updates about Hillhurst Sunnyside? Check out events and activities through the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association.
If you live in Calgary and are planning to sell your furnished or vacant property, contact me (Jen at Set Your Stage) to find out the benefits of my home staging services and schedule your personalized Home Staging Consultation.
In the meantime, share this post! Pass on the many reasons why Hillhurst Sunnyside and Kensington Calgary are ideal places to live.