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Open House Overhaul Reinforces the Value of Home Staging

June 21, 2015 (posted by Jennifer Campbell, Home Staging Calgary)

Not everyone has the ability to see possibilities when they walk into a space. That’s one of the things I love about Open House Overhaul, a new show on HGTV. Not only does it show tips for how home owners can make changes that appeal to potential buyers, it also reinforces the value of home staging.

Ever since I was a kid, I had the natural ability to envision how the feeling of a space could be improved with small changes. In the beginning (grade 1), it was about organizing cluttered areas to create spaces where everything belonged. Later, it was in my own successful property flip.

See the difference professional home staging makes!

After: We added accessories and blue throws to brighten up this living space.

Now, as a professional home stager in Calgary, I can walk into a property and “see” in my mind’s eye how to emphasize the positives and tweak the negatives to create stunning properties that appeal to potential buyers. I can totally relate to Open House Overhaul’s host, Samantha Pynn, who shares my goal in staging a property for sale.

That is, to replace potential buyers’ experience of your property from feeling that,

“It’s too overwhelming and that is NOT a house that you want to take on”,



“I want every prospective buyer to walk in and feel like, ‘Ahh’ I can see myself here, I feel happy in here.”


I get excited to see both the physical transformation of a space itself AND the response of the owners when they see the difference professional staging can make in their property. It’s what I love about my work. That, and knowing that I’m helping sellers to get the most for their investment.

See the difference home staging makes.

After: This kitchen is a cooks dream with a gourmet stove and granite countertops.

Not everyone has the option of doing the extensive updates shown in some of the Open House Overhaul episodes. And that’s where someone like me comes in. With a range of services, I can match my ability to see possibilities with your budget. Focusing on lower cost options like colour, furniture configuration, and clarifying the specific use for each room, professional staging offers an excellent return on investment.

Find out how your Calgary property can benefit from professional staging and discuss the results Set Your Stage clients have achieved. Schedule your personalized Home Staging Assessment by contacting Jen at Set Your Stage today.

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