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An Empty Room Feels Like a Sad Song

June 03, 2015 (posted by Jennifer Campbell, Home Staging Calgary)

Do a search online for Empty Room and you’ll find a list of sad songs to choose from. Why? For most people, an empty room represents an ending. If you’re staging your home for sale, empty rooms may mean a longer listing, which could lead to your own sad ending with that property.

Endings can be sad because of an emotional emptiness which feels cold and lonely and uncertain. At that point, sometimes it’s hard to imagine what’s next or even what’s possible. We’ve all been there and it doesn’t feel very good.

Does this room look familiar?

Before: Living room before home staging.

It’s the same with an empty space in a home or condo. And if all of the rooms are empty, it magnifies this feeling. So, if you are trying to make your listing appealing to potential buyers, this negative emotion can be a problem.

When I was interviewed recently for an article about top home staging mistakes, taking everything out was amongst the top of my list.

Most people understand that removing clutter is important to prepare a property for sale. But there is a limit to how far you should go. Removing large furniture, for example, makes it hard for potential buyers to really get a sense of whether their own furniture will easily fit in the space.

That’s why investing in staging a vacant property should be seriously considered. Don’t present your property like a sad song. Stage to make it as appealing as possible for potential buyers.

See the difference home staging makes.

After: This cozy open concept living & dining room is the perfect space for entertaining or relaxing.

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