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Why Realtors Hire Stagers in Calgary

April 13, 2015 (posted by Jennifer Campbell, Home Staging Calgary)

First impressions sell. That, ultimately, is why realtors hire stagers. Several realtors in Calgary have hired me multiple times for that very reason. They experience first-hand the difference a professionally staged property makes in the selling process and want to pass on that added value to their clients. It’s a win-win.

Staged properties tend to sell faster and at a higher price:
There is list price. And then there is staged price. Realtors understand the difference and can quickly tell whether a property can benefit from staging. Whether it’s a consultation or a full staging with rental furniture, staging delivers one of the top returns on investment when preparing a property to sell.

Does this room look familiar?

Before: Living room before home staging.

The life of a realtor is not easy:
With so much on their plate for each listing, hiring a stager can help to lighten the load. Buying and selling can be a very personal experience with plenty of emotion involved. Sometimes realtors hire stagers to act as a third party to remove themselves from some of that emotion.

For example, a stager can explain to the seller how the condition of their property may hinder the opportunity for a quicker sale. Depending on the property and the personalities involved, that might be a conversation the realtor would gladly avoid. Sometimes property owners can “hear” the message more clearly from a third party.

See the difference professional home staging makes!

After: We added accessories and blue throws to brighten up this living space.

Put our Calgary home staging company to work for you:
As the proud founder of the Calgary home staging company, Set Your Stage, my job is to help you and your clients get a property sold quickly and for top dollar. To find out if your clients’ properties could benefit from staging, to see if we would work well together, or for more information on my Preferred Pricing for Realtors contact Jen today.

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