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Staging Kitchens: Room by Room Staging Checklist

April 01, 2015 (posted by Jennifer Campbell, Home Staging Calgary)

Staging kitchens to sell is a must-do on your list. The hub for so much activity in the home, a kitchen is also one of the most expensive renovations that a buyer would potentially have to invest in. So help your kitchen show its best by following my staging checklist.

Does this room look familiar?

Before: Kitchen before home staging.

This Staging Checklist provided by the Calgary Real Estate Board provides good basic guidelines to address the key areas of a property – inside and out. I also wrote a checklist for staging living rooms and a checklist for staging bathrooms that you might find helpful.

See the difference home staging makes.

After: The oranges and green Perrier water bottles help to showcase an active healthy lifestyle in this kitchen.

As a Calgary home stager, I have seen what a difference proper kitchen staging can make. Here’s your checklist specifically for staging kitchens:

  • If your kitchen is really dated, give it a quick facelift with paint, new lighting, new taps, and switch out old cabinet knobs with brushed stainless.
  • Make it look as new as possible – try this DIY eco friendly recipe to breathe new life into older sinks and faucets.
  • Sparkling clean should be your new mantra! Look everywhere, from every angle.
  • Move your stove, microwave, and refrigerator to clean all surfaces and sweep/wipe the surrounding spaces before you put them back into place.
  • Clean stainless steel appliances by adding a few drops of olive oil to a soft cloth then wipe the appliance in the direction of the grain. Dry with a clean cloth.
  • Go minimalist and get organized. Remove duplicate food or unnecessary items (like plastic containers, pots, broken or mismatched dishes) from cupboards and pantry to create some empty space. With what’s left, organize using bins or baskets to group small things.
  • Speaking of small things, if you have a “junk drawer” in the kitchen, get rid of it.
  • Replace dish towels and cloths with fresh ones that are used only for staging.
  • Open windows to air out the space.
  • For lingering kitchen odours, air fresheners are NOT the way to go.
  • Add lifestyle elements that appeal and use accessories wisely.


Does this room look familiar?

Before: Kitchen before home staging.

See the difference home staging makes.

After: We added healthy and trendy accessories on the countertops.

Staging kitchens is critical. Keep your room by room staging checklist handy and these kitchen, living room, and bathroom staging tips in mind when preparing your home for sale. For more professional home staging resources and tips, follow Set Your Stage on Twitter.

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